




Zonal Geraniums (Pelargonium) or bedding geraniums.

All Zonal Geraniums look like this – with dense umbels of flowers on somewhat shrubby, thick-stemmed plants – and they are probably the most common-known geranium in North America. You mentioned that your plant also smells – this is a common trait of geraniums, as their foliage is highly-scented. Zonal Geraniums are tender perennials that need full sun and are usually grown as annuals in North America. To maintain appearance, deadhead flowers at base of stem.

Singing Star

Singing Star






There are many varieties of Hardy Geraniums and Scented Geraniums, which vary in appearance from the Zonal Geranium. For those people wishing to grow these successfully indoors:

These can be wintered indoors by a sunny window or under fluorescent lights. Lift plant before first frost and shake off as much soil as possible. Trim longest roots to 2-3 inches long. Cut shoots to 4 inches long and trim off any remaining leaves. Store in 6 inch deep trays or pots, filled with soil or sowing compost. Water initially and then when soil gets dry. New shoots will form for spring cuttings. Young plants from late summer or autumn cuttings will also grow actively indoors. If conditions are favourable, pelargoniums will bloom during winter months.

(You can also bring any full-size plant indoors but these will often get leggy, so the above method is recommended.)

After last frost, gradually acclimatize your geranium(s) to outdoor temperatures to enjoy for another season!

— Courtesy of Suzy

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