Yellow wildflowers abound in Japan. Can you tell these apart?

Yellow wildflower1  

These are Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum / クサノオウ(Kusa-no-ou)  There is a pointy tipped and serrated version called Chelidonium japonicum too see this page

Yellow bramble oohebiichigo  

These are Oohebi-ichigo or Potentilla kleiniana, wild strawberries in the family of frugaria.

What about these?

fukujuso2  These are Adonis amurensis (aka Crowfoot and Pheasant’s Eye ) or Fukujusou in Japanese (which means Prosperity & Longevity Grass). From the family of Ranunculeae. See World Kigo on Fukujusou Setsubunsou4    These are Setsubunsou or Shibateranthis pinnatifida is a tough alpine plant adapted to growing in woodlands and chalky ravines. It is a member of the buttercup family, which includes anemones and monkshood, and it has the attractive, deeply cut leaves typical of the group. Its papery “petals” are really sepals: The actual flowers are tiny yellow dots clustered around the dark pink stamens in the center. Unfortunately, this lovely plant is now an endangered species in Japan, but numbers of the flowers are still found in Hiroshima Prefecture. In Tokyo, you can see them flowering from mid-February at the Jindai Botanical Garden in Chofu City, and at the Mukojima Hyakka-en in Sumida Ward.  

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