alliumAllium giganteum

Planting the ornamental giant allium alongside a lilac hydrangea makes a striking combination.



This Giant Allium (above) is like a HUGE dandelion don’t you think? It practically sparkles.

In the onion genus with about 750 species, the generic name Allium is the Latin word for garlic.

Many have been harvested but only about a dozen are still economically important today as crops or garden vegetables, others are cultivated as ornamental plants and valued for their erect or pendent flowers. Allium species are herbaceous perennials with flowers produced on scapes. They grow from solitary or clustered tunicate bulbs and many have an onion odor and taste. Plants are perennialized by bulbs that reform annually from the base of the old bulb, or are produced on the ends of rhizomes or, in a few species, at the ends of stolons. A small number of species have tuberous roots.

notsoalluringallium A not-so-alluring edible allium


This Giant Allium is like a HUGE dandelion don’t you think? I think it almost sparkles.

A relative of the common onion, not all alliums are beautiful.

notsoalluringallium A not-so-alluring allium

References: Wikipedia 



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