Embark on a journey to explore the many facets of wildlife and nature in Japan. The Japanese archipelago is rich in wildlife and nature. This website is a gateway to exploring the many facets of NATURE IN JAPAN. Find out about the varied and interesting BIOMES and HABITATS found in Japan. You can also learn about the WILD & WACKY WEATHER of Japan.

In our explorations, we’ll make FOREST FORAYS into the Japanese forest and countryside to examine the native PLANTS OF JAPAN or TREES OF JAPAN, their foliage and fruit and of course, see what’s in bloom in GARDENS around us … all this in the plant paradise that is Japan. BUG BOY will be your guide to the creepy crawlies of Japan and he’ll let you take a peek at what’s in his BUG BOX and you can find out more about animal wildlife in the COOL CRITTERS segment or about beguiling birds in the BIRDING BOX.

If the sea is your kind of thing, you might be more interested in the SECRETS OF SEASHORES & SEALIFE that Japanese coasts will yield up.

Begin your adventure now!


We all need the wildness of the non-human planet to restore our spirits, not parks and beaches where the human element is still the central focus and regulation runs rampant. Instead we collect evidence of our domination by mapping it, scheduling it, and controlling it. And all that gives us is a green imitation of city life and square tomatoes.– What Really Matters.

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